In the News

World Leaders Make New Climate Agreement

World leaders gathered in Glasgow, Scotland, in early November for COP26. This meeting focused on the world’s climate. The goal of the meeting was to talk about actions that countries around the world will take … Read more

In the News

Falling and Changing Leaves

Have you ever wondered why the leaves on some trees change color in the fall? It all stems from something else that happens during that time of year: fewer hours of daylight. In places where … Read more

In the News

No More Wires!

Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla? You may have heard of the electric car company that is named in honor of him. Tesla has a very important connection to electricity, specifically wireless electricity. When … Read more

In the News

Migrating Monarchs

There is so much to learn about the behaviors of the magical monarch butterfly. These unique insects travel thousands of miles south each year, mostly from Canada and the United States to Mexico. They have one of the most … Read more

In the News

Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11 Approaches

On September 11, 2001, the United States suffered the worst terrorist attack in history. Members of an terrorist group called al-Qaeda hijacked three airplanes. They crashed the planes into the Pentagon outside of Washington, D.C., … Read more

In the News

Living in a Lava Tube

How do scientists prepare for life on other planets? They hike deep into a mountain’s lava tubes. Lava tubes might hold the key to future life on the Moon and Mars!  Lave tubes are long empty spaces created by lava … Read more

Computers with red screens and the word "Ransomware" on it
In the News

What Is Ransomware?

Imagine that you are doing some work or playing a game on your computer, and it stops working. Then you get a message from someone who says that they will make your computer work again, … Read more