In the News

Summer of the Cicadas

When cicadas emerge, they molt, or shed their nymph exoskeleton. This spring and summer, some parts of the United States will be overwhelmed with cicadas as two different broods emerge at the same time. A … Read more

In the News

Communicating with Whales

What do whales and aliens have in common? This might sound like the start of a joke, but this is a question that scientists are seriously thinking about. In a recent study, scientists at the … Read more

In the News

The Science of Snowshoes

Have you ever tried to walk in deep snow? It is nearly impossible. Every step you take, you sink down into the snow. This might not seem like a big problem now. When it snows, … Read more

In the News

Why Was Hurricane Hilary So Unusual?

In August, Tropical Storm Hilary moved across southern California, causing mudslides and devasting flooding. Hilary was the first tropical storm to hit this part of the United States since 1997. The first ever tropical storm … Read more

In the News

Tarantulas Emerge

If you live in the southwest, you might observe some creepy creatures out and about this month. It is tarantula mating season. This means that male tarantulas have left their burrows in search of a … Read more

In the News

Challenges of the Deep Sea

Earlier this summer, a deep-sea submersible went missing with five people on board. It was later discovered that the submersible collapsed under the ocean’s pressure. The people on board were visiting the Titanic 3.8 kilometers … Read more