When you think of summer, you might think of activities such as bike rides, camping, vacations, and spending time with family and friends. There is another summer activity that might not seem as obvious: reading! Summer is a time when you are free to read whatever interests you.
How do you know what to read during the summer? Maybe you are interested in the moon landing, or the Revolutionary War. Maybe you like adventure stories, or funny stories. Maybe you don’t even know what you like. Take a trip to your local library or bookstore to see what is available. Ask the librarian or the bookseller for help finding a book that you’re interested. You could even ask a friend to recommend their favorite book.
Speaking of friends, one fun thing you can do over the summer is form a book club. Ask one or more friends to help you create a list of topics of interest, and then search for books on those topics. Once you decide on the right books and read them, your club can meet and discuss what you’ve read. You can even have your club meetings in a park or at the beach. You don’t need to sacrifice the great summer weather to read. Instead, make reading a way to enjoy the summer weather!
What Do You Think? What are some other ways that you will include reading in your list of summer activities?
Photo Credit: Design Pics/Don Hammond