In the Know

What Makes You Unique?

Think about your traits (characteristics of living things). What color are your eyes and hair? How tall are you? What shape is your nose? You might share some traits with your mom, dad, sisters, or … Read more

In the Know

How Can Corn Affect the Weather?

If you live in the Midwest, you might have recently heard the term “corn sweat.” Some meteorologists used this term to explain why late summer humidity levels were so high and why it felt so … Read more

In the Know

Building the White House

On October 13, 1792, George Washington laid down a very important piece of brick. It was the first piece of brick in what would eventually be called the White House. Back then it was called … Read more

In the Know

How Do Flying Saucer Clouds Form?

Have you ever laid on the ground and looked for shapes in the clouds. You might have seen different animals, hearts, or racecars. But have you ever seen one that looks like a flying saucer? … Read more

In the Know

How Is AI Changing Schoolwork?

Do you know what AI is? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It means an intelligence that comes from a computer, rather than a human. AIs can perform complex tasks such as learning and problem solving. … Read more