Have you ever been playing outside on a hot day when you notice your face and hair are all wet? What happened? Don’t sweat it—it’s just sweat! You don’t even notice it is happening, but while you are at play your body is working hard to keep you safe and comfortable.
Sweating, also called perspiring, is our body’s way of cooling us down. It helps us regulate our body temperature, so we do not overheat. When our brain receives messages from sensors in our body that we are getting too hot, it sends a message telling us to sweat. And it does all of this without us even thinking about it.
Our brain sends a message to the sweat glands [organs that make and release a substance] in our skin telling them to get to work. Most people have more than 2 million of these sweat glands on their body! The sweat that they produce is made mostly of water, but it also includes salt and small amounts of other chemicals. When sweat contacts the air, it evaporates [changes from liquid to gas] and we feel cooler. It is the evaporation process that cools you down.
When you are active and perspiring, it is important to drink lots of water or beverages with electrolytes. If you lose too much water without replacing it, you can get dehydrated. Electrolyte beverages help us replace both the salt and water that are lost when we sweat.
Sweat has a bad reputation, but it serves a very important function. So next time you feel those beads on your forehead, don’t sweat it. Trust in your body’s natural cooling system!
What Can You Do? What can you do to prepare yourself for activity on a hot summer day?
Photo Credit: Thomas Barwick/Photodisc/Getty Images