In the Know

The Power of Pollinators

Earth is home to a huge variety of plants and animals. Although it may not always be easy to see, these living things rely on each other. A balance between plants and animals allows them … Read more

In the News

Brood X Overload

Most of us have been stuck at home since March 2020! Now that things are starting to get back to normal, people are emerging from their homes. But people aren’t the only living things emerging … Read more

In the Know

Travel in the Summer of 2021!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some people went without seeing distant family members for a year—or more. They cancelled travel plans because they wanted to stay safe. Now, with many Americans vaccinated against the virus, the … Read more

Harriet Tubman
In the Know

The Harriet Tubman Twenty-Dollar Bill

Back in 2014, a nine year-old girl wrote a letter to President Barack Obama. She wondered why there were no women featured on any United States currency. She mentioned many women in her letter, including … Read more

In the News

Summer Olympics in Tokyo

UPDATE: As COVID-19 cases continued to rise, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency on Thursday, July 8. The Olympic games will continue, but no spectators will be allowed to attend events. Only athletes, … Read more