Have you ever heard of the summer slide? Sadly, it’s not an awesome waterpark. It’s the idea that the long break from school will turn students’ brains to mush. For many schools, the end of December brings a long break, too. Winter break! Well, no need to worry because there are many fun activities that can keep you sharp! Here are some brain-supporting activities that people enjoy.
Did you know that spending time in nature can strengthen your brain? Many people enjoy getting some fresh air over winter break. Some like to explore the great outdoors during this crisp season. Take a walk with an adult and see how many types of wildlife you can spot. Can you identify any species by name? If the weather is right, use your imagination to build a new critter out of snow. Or, if you live by the beach, you can use sand!
Are there any movies coming out soon that you wish you could see? Many blockbusters [big movies] come out during the last two weeks of December. That’s because so many families spend time together during this time of year. Going to the movies could be a fun activity to do. Are you lucky enough to see a movie? Afterwards you can practice retelling it to a family member. For a challenge, you could try to find a life lesson in the movie, too.
If movies aren’t your thing, perhaps you’d like to go to the library or a bookstore. Winter break could be a great time to try out a new genre [category] of books. Ask a friend or family member if they have any recommendations. You might unlock a newfound love! Do you have any books at home that you’ve read already? If so, try rereading one. You may be surprised at the details you’d forgotten or not noticed before.
Many families enjoy celebrating together throughout the year. You could do some research on your family traditions. Or, learn about a new one! One widely-celebrated December holiday is New Year’s Eve. Some enjoy gathering and reflecting on the past year. Some create New Year’s resolutions [promises]. How will your 2018 be different from your 2017?
What Do You Think? What are some ways you can keep your brain active during school breaks?
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