Have you ever heard the old phrase, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade?” Because lemons are sour and lemonade is sweet, the phrase describes making something good out of something bad. Something terrible happened to a girl named Alexandra “Alex” Scott. She had neuroblastoma, a type of childhood cancer. She battled cancer for years and had many stays in the hospital.
When she was four years old, during one of her hospital stays, she told her parents she wanted to open a lemonade stand. She said that she wanted to give the money to doctors. Then they could help other kids, the way they helped her. This was her way of making lemonade out of a lemon, both figuratively because she was making a good thing come from something terrible and literally because she really used lemons to make lemonade.
When she got out of the hospital, Alex open that lemonade stand with the help of her family. It made $2,000 dollars in its first day. As people heard about Alex’s story, they opened their own lemonade stands and gave the money to Alex to help her fundraising efforts. What started out as one lemonade stand, became a large charity called Alex’s Lemonade Stand.
Sadly, Alex passed away when she was eight years old. Alex’s Lemonade Stand still raises money to help people with cancer. It has raised millions of dollars to help people. Even though Alex was very young, she made a huge impact on people’s lives.
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